Life moves fast, filled with endless demands and constant digital noise. In the midst of it all, we crave clarity and a deeper sense of presence.
Research shows that daily gratitude practice and mapping your day not only boosts happiness and satisfaction but also improves mental health and physcial well-being.
By pausing to reflect on the good in your day—each morning and before bed—you can move through the world with greater ease, satisfaction, and clairty. With our cards, even in life’s chaos, you’ll uncover small yet meaningful moments of gratitude that ground you in what truly matters.
Shop NowA major limitation of productivity apps & gratitude journals is that once you write in them, they are out of sight and mind for the rest of the day.
3x5s create an analog practice that you carry with you all day. When you pull out your card to view your tasks and day's scheulde, your gratitude list and wins are right there as well.
Custom scored card allows you to easily fold your card in half for everyday carry with your phone, in your pocket, or in your daily notebook.
Each Kit and Refill come with 90 days of cards - 90 days is the ideal amount of time to shift a behavior into a habit.